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Here are some suggestions for the success in the discovery of Vaccine against the virus Covid 19 (Corona)

Many researches are being conducted, all over the world for the vaccine against the virus Covid 19 (Corona). Until and unless we discover the vaccine or medicine against the virus, the virus will not be eliminated. We are still not sure, how far the researchers conducted an animal such as rats, monkeys etc. or on voluntary individuals are really successful, yet it's the responsibility of the researches to use effective methods in the discovery of vaccine.

The following facts must be considered

(a)    The researchers conducted on animals may not be successful     in the case of  human beings.

(b)    Sometimes the results obtained from the voluntary     individuals may differ from each other and will be confusing.

(c)     It's observed that 30% of the patient who had blood clots in the lungs (thrombosis) died of Corona. Such people should not be selected for the research.

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